

Male call

May 12, 2015

Talbot Rue rides a rising tide of male ballet dancers to new heights.

Making art

May 12, 2015

People who make a living creating art here do so in a variety of ways. From music to video to sculpture, we’ve found Fort Wayne folks who are inspired by their nature.

Painting the moment

May 12, 2015

Local artist Theoplis Smith creates messages with his murals and portraits.

A sweeping change

May 12, 2015

TekVenture’s new home welcomes artists and makers of all kinds, as president Greg Jacobs and volunteers clean it up and make it ready.

Proud father

May 12, 2015

Kent Bixler dances the role of the father in “The Nutcracker.”

A home for the arts

May 12, 2015

For two decades, the Castle Gallery has provided a regal home for the arts in West Central.

‘Like a vacation’

May 12, 2015

JoAnne Kirchner is back on stage, and the teacher in her is delighted to be learning so much.

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