Fashionably Speaking with Saki Morimoto

Ballet dancer Saki Morimoto grew up in Osaka, Japan, beginning her formal ballet training around the age of 10 at Yamamoto Sanae Ballet School. At 15, she moved with her family to New Jersey, training at the Academy of Ballet New Jersey, and performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy in “The Nutcracker” and Aurora in “The Sleeping Beauty.” Morimoto continued her dance education at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where she studied under the direction of Susan Jaffe. After graduation in 2017, Morimoto moved to Fort Wayne to dance with this city’s ballet company.
At once both powerful and delicate, she has graced Fort Wayne stages as a principal dancer in many roles, including the title role in “Cinderella,” the Pas de Six “Confetti” by Gerald Arpino, Swanhilda in Coppelia, and once again the Sugar Plum Fairy in the treasured, traditional performances of Christmas classic, “The Nutcracker.” When Morimoto is not dancing, she loves to play piano and can also be seen riding a unicycle. The talent!
What was your first significant fashion splurge? A pair of Lululemon leggings. They had been trending among my dance friends, and I thought it was ridiculous that people were spending a hundred dollars on a pair of leggings. But it was a worthy investment seeing how comfortable they are, and they give me extra motivation to work out!
What is your power color? Black. It makes me feel put together, and it’s easy to put with other colors for an accent.
Most treasured piece of jewelry and why? A diamond necklace from my grandmother; a simple stud diamond she used to wear. She gave it to me when I was in middle school, and I think it was my first real piece of jewelry. I haven’t seen her for a few years, but it reminds me of her every time I wear it.
Footwear of choice? Nike Sneakers. I like to wear something comfortable and supportive when I’m not wearing pointe shoes!
What is an item of clothing (or accessory) you’d love to wear but haven’t yet? I bought a fur coat this year but haven’t had the chance to wear it yet.
What are you streaming? I recently finished watching “Tiny Pretty Things” on Netflix. As entertaining as it was, I have to say dancers are not all that drama-packed and crazy in real life!
What do you eat for breakfast? Overnight oats with Greek yogurt, topped with fresh fruit and walnuts. And at least 2 cups of coffee.
Favorite spot in Fort Wayne? I love walking around the Promenade Park in warm weather. And Utopian Coffee is my go-to coffee shop.
What’s a movie you’ve watched over and over? “La La Land”! I love the music, and I’m actually learning how to play the music on piano.
Best piece of advice you’ve personally been given? Everything happens for a reason. With any unpleasant events, like breakups, rejections, injuries and even just spilling coffee (it may seem small but it’s a tragedy in the morning), I tell myself this and that better things are on the way. My mom used to say this often, and it always made me feel better.
What would your last meal on earth be? Either sushi or grilled salmon and flourless chocolate cake for dessert.
If you could dance (ballet or otherwise) with anyone from history, who would it be and to what song/piece of music? I would love to do any ballet with Mikhail Baryshnikov!
Favorite line from a book or movie? “Just keep swimming” from “Finding Nemo.”
Best vacation – mountain, beach or city? City! I would love to visit Paris and London someday.
What other era would you like to experience? The 1920s; jazz and flappers sounds like so much fun.