

Rail Ways

December 10, 2021

People used to view Fort Wayne’s three rivers as flood hazards and little more than large drainage ditches. Forward-thinking and cleanup have transformed…

In The Area

October 12, 2020

Blight, whether a dilapidated house or building or a trash-filled street, drags down the area around it. That’s why neighborhoods…

Wanderful Woods

July 30, 2020

Anyone who has hiked with children knows it can be both trying and wonderful, often on the same trail. Children add to the…

New Heights

July 30, 2020

What had been anticipated as a banner year for the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo did not start at all the way anyone had…

Club Room Goes Big

April 13, 2020

Less than a year after opening in Quimby Village, the Club Room at the Clyde Theatre is expanding. There are several reasons for…

Farm Work

February 5, 2020

The Buckley Farm, founded in Lowell, Indiana in 1849 by the Irish immigrants Dennis and Catherine Buckley wasn’t designed to be a…

Constant Motion

February 3, 2020

“The end result will see public and private investment that is culturally and ecologically relevant – a balancing act that only the world’s most sophisticated cities achieve.”

Scary Summit City

October 1, 2019

Halloween is a celebration of things that go bump in the night, ghosts and spirits who come out to play. There is no doubt that the Summit City is ready to help you get your scream on!

Of Prominence

September 23, 2019

Fort Wayne’s Riverfront is front and center with the opening of Promenade Park.
The park covers four acres on

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